Angela Powell (she/her)
Angela Powell
Angela has been organizing effective change efforts since the 3rd grade, when she instigated a school-wide anti-smoking campaign that empowered kids to support their parents in kicking the habit.
Since then, she has gained over 30 years of consulting and service experience working with for-impact organizations, earning her M.A. in Organizational Development from Bastyr University in 2001.
Having worked with organizations both large and small, Angela has particular interest and expertise in supporting people and organizations to navigate the nuances of quickly changing environments and leading with boldness and creativity. She believes that influence is for EVERY BODY.
Make your way to her LinkedIn profile for a more detailed work history.
Here’s what you won’t find on her resume:
I hear the story that's being told but isn't being said out loud.
I am able to extract information quickly, pay attention to the nuance of word choice and nonverbal signals, creating connections across seemingly disparate ideas. I speak what I see, and have a reputation for being forthright and direct, as well as compassionate and thoughtful so people can hear it.
I have pipes and I know how to use them.
I’ve spearheaded multiple advocacy groups, started a nonprofit, served on nonprofit Boards, including President and other executive roles, and actively participated in movement creation. I’ve built my career on serving others, and that makes me proud. And, oh yes, I have pipes in the traditional sense, too… I sing a mean Miz Celie’s Blues!
I've learned to embrace ambiguity and uncertainty - and I can help you love it, too.
Becoming a mother at 42 to an imaginative, smart and (very) assertive three-year-old rocked my world. Adopting through the foster care system forced me (sometimes kicking and screaming) to grow immensely in my ability to work with ambiguity and tap a resourcefulness I had no clue I possessed. I’ve learned that the acceptance of vulnerability and ability to sit with nuance, and uncertainty is key to most things worth having in life – whether in your work or personal worlds. And I’ve learned to love it.
I'm a wicked strategist and gifted artist.
I create clear narratives, bringing diverse ideas together to craft a unified whole. I love to help others move from that clarity to shape their work and lives in an intentional way. I’m also known for my artistic eye and the creativity that comes from many years of vocal training, dance class, and performances on stages big and small. You need both sides of your brain – right and left – to create work of depth and meaning.